Linkedin experience sharing

Linkedin experience sharing


For people who are new to the international sales position, we are a good place to learn, about all kinds of knowledge & experience

Linkedin experience sharing

Linkedin experience sharing

For people who are new to the international sales position, We are a good place to learn, about all kinds of knowledge & experience. We organize at least one sharing meeting each month from the year 2017, until now, everyone learns a lot and theyre very glad to do this.


Here, is one of our great sales name Grace. Shes very good at using Linkedin to seek customers and has got some big orders. So after a fully preparation, today, lets see how exactly she can do this so well.

Its the first time that our colleague made a small speech in front of colleagues, so shes a little bit nervous, but still, good PPT with good content. Everyone got some new skills after this session and they will try them as Grace told. 

Our sharing session will continue, we believe, everyone will make big progress little by little.